Seed Saving Log Books Fundraiser

As you all may know by now, we are in the middle of trying to raise funds for our community garden by having different kinds of fundraisers to raise funds. We are currently looking to raise $300 to cover the costs of building our newest addition. Our new website!

Starting today and throughout the month of September, proceeds from my (4) Seed Saving Inventory Log Books sold on Amazon will go towards the costs of the website and its domain for the year. With each log book that’s purchased, the garden will receive $3.00.

For more information on each book, click Here: AMAZON

If you prefer not to purchase a book, but you’d still like to make a monetary donation directly to the garden, you can donate through our PayPal account. Click on the Donate button on the header our our website to be linked directly to our PayPal, click the image, or scan the QR code below. When making a donation, please notate that the funds you are donating are to go toward the “Website”.

Thank you in advanced to everyone who has made a donation so far. We appreciate you more than you know. You are a HUGE reason this garden survives! We are blessed beyond measure! 🥰


Thank you Jane G. for your donation


Our 1st Website Fundraiser Donation